Friday, January 7, 2011

Through the Bicyle

On any given day, a 600 km ride with an extreme fight on a climb is a preferred choice than writing its story. Writing a blog is much worse than I thought it to be. But I feel it was needed to be written for the awareness if not for the story itself.
               And as for the last word for the errand goes. The experience of the ride was just like a cucumber passing through a grinder. An alteration in the physical imprint while keeping the essence intact. The big adventure has changed the way the things are perceived now. Though it is hard to give a reasoning thought of how and why. But I feel, the child in me has come to love Cycling and The Bicycle even more. Sometimes, the intimacy does make me talk to my bike and she responds too, though not that easily.

The day when I learned to ride a bicycle still rings in my memory. It was a classic “Father and Son” moment. Cycling then was always a mode to pass time. A drive-away, to an already-visited place on feet, just to experience the perspective shift of a place through the bicycle.
On a Bicycle, the time turned slowly and the road unraveling the mysteries of the world kept you speculating. “So, What`s next? ”.


  1. Congratulations for your feat.

    I began cycling regularly in November, and am toying with the idea of a long trip like yours. Wanted to know a few things:
    How did you prepare for the trip?
    Did your ride on highways? If so, was it difficult riding alongside heavy vehicles?


  2. @ utopian, preparation was nothing of such big sort. we did some 2-3 days cycling trips before goa and learned abt basic bicycle maintainnace and repair. thats it. No actually we avoid highways. Its unsafe tiring and more than that its boring and too monotonous. So.
